Monday, February 27, 2012

Back to work

  Well, this will be my last week off on medical leave.  I am returning to work on Friday.  Even though I haven't been quite myself due to the surgery, it has certainly been nice not waking to an alarm clock, going to my scrap room whenever I like and I have LOVED being home when my kids get out of school.  I'm going to do my best to get all my latest projects posted by weeks keep an eye out!

I have a question...probably won't get an answer, but here goes...what is your absolute go-to tool you couldn't live without?  I know for me it's my Crop-a-Dile corner rounder punch..the 1/2 1/4 punch that is...I see they've come out with a 1/8, 3/8 punch which I would like to have.  I would also like the straight edge punch for tags and such.  My tool wish list is about a mile about yours?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I bet you're wondering

I bet you're wondering why I chose the name "the unscrapable" for my blog.  Well, it probably isn't for the reasons you think.  Sure, we all have those pictures that we don't deem worthy of scrapping.  The ones where someone's making a funky face, or their hair is out of place.  There are the pictures that only have half a head, or a foot that appears out of nowhere.  I find those pictures the most natural.  The ones that are just sort of messy, because LIFE is messy.  Life is not a perfectly posed moment or a spectacular scene.  Life is that every day stuff we deal with every day, almost in robot mode, that we should treasure, cherish, enjoy.  Those are the moments I want to scrap.  But also, unscrapable reminded me of unflappable, which I think, for the most part, I least when it comes to scrapping.  I sometimes get a little flustered when other people are depending on me, but when it comes to just me and my scrap room...I'm a machine.  If I make a mistake, I work with it.  If I mess up completely, there is always more paper.  Even when there is UGLY paper involved I can make it work.  So I am the unflappable scrapper!!! yeee haw, lets roll with it!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

a link to the video for the recipe album!!!

Well, I'm back from vacation and am feeling rested and renewed.  I had the wonderful opportunity to go to a Mandy Patinkin concert and met him back stage for a photo op.  I had such a great time in Florida and can't thank my brother enough. it's time for me to get back to scrappin.  I can't wait to dig into some new bling and supplies I bought in Florida and begin my creative mojo again.
If you haven't already signed up, please contact the Embellished Scrapbook Boutique and sign up for the recipe album class!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Organize schmorganize!

I've been off work due to some carpal tunnel surgery so, in order not to waste this precious time, I decided to "reorganize" my craft space.  After watching several videos on youtube and being truly inspired and somewhat jealous, I dug into my world of chaos to try and find some order.  My wonderful daughter helped me most of one day with organizing my stamps and ribbons, and I spent another day painstakingly going through my paper stash in order to make a rather large donation to our local cancer center which is beginning some art therapy and incorporating papercraft and scrapbooking, and finally decided what scraps I just needed to throw away.  After two solid days of room is still a mess, probably a WORSE mess, my hand is killing me and I've completely lost motivation.  Now, my question is, which is better, a partially organized room that looks like a tornado hit it, or a room that looks clean until you open the closet and drawers???  I vote for the second option.
This is the newest class I'll be giving at The Embellished Scrapbook Boutique