Saturday, February 4, 2012

Organize schmorganize!

I've been off work due to some carpal tunnel surgery so, in order not to waste this precious time, I decided to "reorganize" my craft space.  After watching several videos on youtube and being truly inspired and somewhat jealous, I dug into my world of chaos to try and find some order.  My wonderful daughter helped me most of one day with organizing my stamps and ribbons, and I spent another day painstakingly going through my paper stash in order to make a rather large donation to our local cancer center which is beginning some art therapy and incorporating papercraft and scrapbooking, and finally decided what scraps I just needed to throw away.  After two solid days of room is still a mess, probably a WORSE mess, my hand is killing me and I've completely lost motivation.  Now, my question is, which is better, a partially organized room that looks like a tornado hit it, or a room that looks clean until you open the closet and drawers???  I vote for the second option.

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