Monday, February 27, 2012

Back to work

  Well, this will be my last week off on medical leave.  I am returning to work on Friday.  Even though I haven't been quite myself due to the surgery, it has certainly been nice not waking to an alarm clock, going to my scrap room whenever I like and I have LOVED being home when my kids get out of school.  I'm going to do my best to get all my latest projects posted by weeks keep an eye out!

I have a question...probably won't get an answer, but here goes...what is your absolute go-to tool you couldn't live without?  I know for me it's my Crop-a-Dile corner rounder punch..the 1/2 1/4 punch that is...I see they've come out with a 1/8, 3/8 punch which I would like to have.  I would also like the straight edge punch for tags and such.  My tool wish list is about a mile about yours?

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Marianne,
    How nice that you have had some 'me' time (though surgery is a bit extreme to get it, lol!!)I am looking forward to seeing what you have been up to!
    Can't live without tool? phew, thats a tricky one......probably my two paper cutters, I've had them for years and they are still going strong!
    Wish list for tools is relatively short, stash wish list, now that's a different story,lol!

    Take care, Elise xx
